
Adventure Checklist

Posted by Robert on 18th Nov 2014

Here at Army Navy Outdoors, we fully encourage people to embrace their sense of adventure. The world has a lot to offer for those willing to get out and look for it. That being said, going off unprepared for any adventure can lead to less than favorable (sometimes catastrophic) circumstances.

If you’re thinking of testing your mettle against Mother Nature, it’s crucial to be conscious of your needs. Ask yourself a few questions before you head out:

How much food/water do I need to take with me?

Consider whether or not your ultimate destination has food or fresh water available. Just because that little stream looks clean doesn’t mean you can drink it without potential consequences later.

Do I have a proper first aid kit?

Take along common items like bandages, wound disinfectants, contact solution and the like, but don’t forget other items such as water disinfecting tabs, any necessary medications, pain relievers and cotton swabs. Depending on your plans, the list of items you should include in your kit will vary based on need.

Does anyone else know where I am going or what I am doing?

While it can be exhilarating to embark on a solo adventure, consider letting a friend or family member in on your itinerary, or at least a rough time frame for your excursion. Going off on your own without letting anyone know can lead to unintended searches and emotional distress for your loved ones, and can even lead to you being stuck in a perilous situation more alone than you intended to be.These are just a few things to consider when your thirst for adventure gets you out the door. Army Navy Outdoors has a vast selection of items you will find to be of use when you’re traipsing across the land. We also can offer practical advice and training from our qualified staff members to help you become more aware of the things that will make an actual difference when you’re out hiking, camping, or whatever it is you like to do outdoors.