
Finally, A Pocket-Sized Chainsaw

Posted by Dell on 30th Apr 2015

If you were to brave the outdoors in the days of yore, and you needed to saw something, (either for shelter or for tinder) you may have utilized a piece of wire with a couple handles.  The problem with this is that it's time intensive, and because the wire is flexing and producing friction, the wire heats up and may break before you finish the job.   While this is the tried and true method when a saw isn't handy, Sabrecut has upped the game a bit.  Essentially, the Sabrecut Chainsaw Lite is a "manual chainsaw" of sorts.  It has the exact same cutting chain that a gas-powered chainsaw would have without the burden of having to carry such a bulky item and supply it with a power source or with fuel.  If  you're out in the bush, this little guy will come in awfully handy.  We've got them in-stock, so come take a look and spare yourself the agony of broken wires next time.