
Important Hurricane or Storm Survival Tips you Need

24th Jun 2016

At Army Navy Outdoors, as our store title implies, we are passionate about everything outdoors. But sometimes, the outdoors brings hazards and conditions that can threaten your safety. If you live anywhere along the coastline, you are probably familiar with hurricanes and the devastation they can cause. Year after year, as technology improves, we are given the opportunity to increase our awareness and better prepare for these storms. One of the things you can do to prepare is packing an emergency or survival bag. It should always be up to date and ready for transport. We have included a list of items we think would be helpful but it should be adjusted according to your needs. Remember, being prepared is a big step toward keeping your family safe. Below are some of the very minimum or basic things you should have ready each season in your home.

Food and water for your entire family for about 3 days. Long-term storage packed foods that do not require refrigeration, or cooking such as Meals Ready to Eat or Wise Foods. If you are stocking canned goods, don’t forget a manual openeror P-38 military one. Cans are ok for the home but will not be what you want to travel with A normally active person needs to drink at least two quarts (half gallon) of water each day. People in hot environments, children, nursing mothers, and ill people will require even more. Store at least one gallon per person, per day, as you will need it for food preparation & hygiene.

A first aid kit : Not what you think. Be sure to also have a manual included and any medications you are currently on or may need. Always think trauma not just first aid. According to DMAT staff the most common injury is sprains, ankle breaks and then lacerations. Band-Aids will not always do the trick. Ask us for help if you want to create a simple trauma pack.

Sanitation and hygiene items such as hand sanitizer, moist towelettes, toilet paper, contact lenses (and solution) You may not have working toilets, if you are staying home fill containers or a bath tub with extra water to flush with.

  • Extra blankets and clothing ready in a bag if going to a shelter or friends is part of your plan
  • Batteries and solar chargers for devices
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Good flashlights with batteries and candles. Think about the number of people or rooms. Long lasting lanterns are best to have in a few areas.
  • Insect repellent
  • Weather radio
  • Cash and coins
  • Identification should be present on every person
  • Copies or originals of important papers (credit cards, passports, Will)
  • Pet supplies (non-perishable)
  • A map (paper) of surrounding area
  • Basic tool kit
  • A plan for meeting family/friends should contact via electronic devices become unavailable