ACU Military Issue Backpack Bundle, Used
ACU Military Issue UCP Backpack
Bundle, Used
The ACU Army Universal Camo Soldier kit is a combination backpack and MOLLE gear kit that we bundled to give you all the gear you need for the...
Military Issue Multicam Assault 3-Day MOLLE Backpack, Used
$89.95 - $119.95
Multicam Assault 3-Day MOLLE II
Backpack, Used
The Army issue Multicam 3 Day Assault Backpack is a great size to use for an everyday field pack. It was designed to be a standard issue...
Whites Kodiak Classic Military Drysuit
Whites Kodiak Classic Military Drysuit
We received these directly from the military. It is your responsibility to understand the product and its use. Kodiak classic dry suit has attached...