Eagle Ind. Military Smoke Grenade Pouch, used
Made by Eagle Industries in the U.S.A, a compact smoke grenade pouch makes a great MOLLE pouch for tools, cords and other outdoor gear. If your using it for the 40MM grenade it allows you to keep it on your kit safely and preventing accidental firing. Made durable in the U.S.A it will last you years of heavy use.
Features & Specs
- MOLLE compatible back
- Made in the U.S.A
- Great for tools and other gear or pistol mag
- Holds gear 2" x 1" x 4"
- Adjustable cover
Condition Guide
Surplus is real military gear and the exact conditions may vary. We grade used military surplus to give you options and offer a more clear description. Military gear was built well and used by soldiers proving its tested quality. We hope you find that it serves you well.
Grade 1: Like New out of the factory case or may have only minor signs of use or storage marks.
Grade 2: What we call normal surplus. The gear is fully usable and shows normal signs of use but has a lot of life left. Some items may have stains, writing, color fading, small repairs, and or surface rust on them. Some items may contain frays or small holes that do not affect the gears performance.
Grade 3: This gear can still be used but had a rougher life. They show heavier stains, have more repairs than normal or may still have a small tear, or something missing but fully usable as is. This is great as extra gear or as a great budget item.