
MRE Desserts

$2.69 - $12.95
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$2.69 - $12.95

Product Description

MRE Desserts

There is always room for more desert.  MRE desserts are a perfect way to add to your camp or prepper meal when you need them to last.  They are made famous by soldiers and give just the moral boost you may need.  Soggy food? not here.  MRE Desserts are seals in military grade packaging and made with a 5-year inspection date so they are ready to use at any time long after store bought food has gone bad. What is your favorite? 

How to tell the date? There will be a 4-digit code such as 2147 on all MRE meals and boxes. This means for example that the MRE was made in 2021 on the 47th day of the year. They should be inspected in 5 years from that date to be sure the packaging is undamaged. See our blogs on MREs for more details.

Features & Specs

  • Made Fresh
  • Designed to stable in all environments
  • No water or heating needed
  • Small and lightweight packaging
  • 4.5 -5 oz.
