TACWrap Multi-Purpose Burn Cravat
TACWrap Multi-Purpose Burn CravatThe H&H TACWrap™ Multi-Purpose Burn Cravat provides multifunctional uses in any kit or pack. Made from 100% spunbond polypropylene, 45” X 45” x 63”, the TACWrap™...

Triangular Bandage and Burn Dressing
Tan Triangular Bandage Triangular (or cravat) bandages are simply right-angle triangles made from a strong material. it is a simple right-angle triangle made from a strong material. They can be...

Tactical CricKit, NAR
Tactical CricKit, NAR
The NAR Tactical CricKit® is a stocking item for trained combat rescue personnel to have in the field. Designed by NAR after an18-month interface with Military...

Burntec Burn Dressing 4 "x 4"
Burntec Burn Dressing 4 "x 4"The BurnTec® cools the injured area and ensures a soothing effect for up to 24 hours. The sterile non-stick dressing is absorbent, trapping wound secretion and bacteria...

NAR Saline Lock Kit
NAR Saline Lock KitA complete Saline Lock Kit allows everything you need for quick and effective extremity venous cannulation under the most demanding conditions. The system for...