Guides & Resources
Welcome to our blog! Here, you'll find concise articles and practical tips on military gear, outdoor equipment, and survival strategies. From comparing thermals to choosing the right sleeping bag, our posts are designed to enhance your outdoor experience. Dive in for expert insights and advice tailored for adventurers and military personnel alike!
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Military MRE vs. Commercial Meals
To start, for those who do not yet know about MRE Meals. Each Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) includes a water-activated flameless ration heater, an entrée, dessert, snack, beverage powders, and accessory pack. MRE meals were made to sustain soldiers with an average of 1300 calories per meal and make a great option for emergencies to general outdoor food. They are fully cooked and made to be eaten from the pouch as is or heated using the included MRE heater by just adding water.Why buy a military meal
20th Apr 2021
Learn Military Hand Signals like a Pro
Military Hand and arm signals or what is also called Visual signals were first made by the US Army for field use and are now the most common forms of communication during ops. Military signals had a recent update from 30 years ago to keep up with needed changes in operations techniques. It should be noted that units will also create some of their own signals and civilian Law Enforcement such as SWAT may have their own. Although they are SOP in the military ther
24th Sep 2019
7 Tips for kids back to School Safety
According to the National Center for Education
Statistics, about 20 million students will attend colleges and universities in
the fall of 2019. While safety is a priority for most schools, there are still
assault, burglaries and invasions. However, there are various ways you can
improve your own safety and keep your belongings secure. Before heading off to
college, review these five safety tips to make sure you are prepared in a new
environment.1. Learn The CampusBe
familiar with your sch
9th Aug 2019
The Nutritional Value of MREs compared
The Nutritional Value of MREs: How many calories do I need? What are my meal choices?Whether you’re stocking up in case of emergency or going camping, MREs are an excellent source of nutrition when you don’t have access to regular foods. MREs, short for Meals Ready To Eat, began as a design by the United States government to feed troops who were deployed and out in the field. These meals contain all of the required nutrients that were necessary to feed a soldier and gave them the strength n
17th Jul 2019
How long do MRE's Last? MRE Expiration
MRE Meals & Their Shelf Life | Survival & PreparednessToday, we all know an emergency situation can occur at any time. That’s why it’s necessary to always be prepared with food that you can grab and eat. When a large-scale emergency strikes, you won't be able to get to the store because it’s likely going to be shut down and the streets could be chaotic. Your power will be out, causing the food in your refrigerator to quickly spoil. Without food that doesn’t require refrigeration, you and your fa
3rd Jul 2019
Preparing and Surviving a Storm At Home
When we think of survival we think about the top three; food, water and shelter, but you also need to add medial and communication. Those who are preparing to stay or “Bug in”, usually have not taking enough time to plan ahead. Having your home emergency kit together and also having a solid plan eliminates stress and the likelihood of failure. To be prepared, consider how you are truly facilitating your top needs. In survival there is a term “two is one and one is none”, meaning that if you do n
15th Oct 2016
Avoiding Harmful Rays of the Sun: Protecting Your Skin
We are welcoming long, hot days and lots of opportunities for outdoor adventure. With that comes the danger of too much sun, as we all know, can be extremely harmful. We still want you out there, taking on the challenge. Make sure you are taking proper precautions and making the most out of your outdoor time by limiting your skin to sun exposure.We have included some tips to help protect your skin:The best time to avoid the sun is between 10:00 am and 4:00 pmMake sure if you are outdoors, you ar
28th Jun 2016
Tips for Staying Safe While Working Outdoors
Here at Army Navy Outdoors, we love our customers and want them to stay healthy! Many of our customers are those who serve our country, and our community. With this responsibility comes working conditions that can be extremely harsh. Yes, this time of the year we are referring to the heat. It can be unbearable and unforgiving. When the temperatures soar as they are doing currently, every measure available should be taken to protect the body from extreme heat. Preventing heat related illness is
24th Jun 2016
Important Hurricane or Storm Survival Tips you Need
At Army Navy Outdoors, as our store title implies, we are passionate about everything outdoors. But sometimes, the outdoors brings hazards and conditions that can threaten your safety. If you live anywhere along the coastline, you are probably familiar with hurricanes and the devastation they can cause. Year after year, as technology improves, we are given the opportunity to increase our awareness and better prepare for these storms. One of the things you can do to prepare is packing an eme
24th Jun 2016